Кевін Гілберт про навчання на курсі і роботу у США

Поки наші викладачі посилено готуються до початку нового сезону (а вони дійсно готують масштабний апгрейд курсу!), ділимось із вами дуже цікавою і натхненною історією нашого випускника Кевіна Гілберта, американського вчителя математики.

Кевін деякий час проживав в Україні, і хоча раніше взагалі не був дотичний до сфери Linux, але скористався можливістю пройти наш безкоштовний курс по Linux & Networks. Зараз, у звязку із війною, Кевін повернувся до рідних США, і в тому числі завдяки навичкам, отриманим на курсі, зміг отримати роботу. Яку саме – читайте наше оригінальне інтерв’ю із Кевіном. Разом з тим і англійську потренуєте )

– Hi, Kevin. Please tell us a few words about yourself.

I have always loved science and technology. Where those intersect is math and that is what I excelled at.  For that reason I studied math in college and became a math teacher.

– Why did you decide to join the course and what factors were essential for your decision to participate in the training process?

I really wanted to learn something new, and I heard that PortaOne offered a free course in network management. I really wanted to understand better how connections worked and the idea of transferring out of education into IT sounded like a great opportunity.

– What is the most memorable part of your studies at PortaOne Education Center?

I loved the challenging tasks that we did.  Hands down the most memorable moment was realizing that the instructors had aliased a command needed to complete the task.  Instead of making it respond with false information, though, the instructors made it choose a random line of code to call for help, plead for mercy and cry.  It took me off guard as I was used to tests and challenges applying knowledge, but this was actively messing with me.  I’ll never forget that style and I want to apply that myself.

– Was it challenging to communicate with mentors in English?

Given my Ukrainian is very broken, it was only possible for me to go through the program if the educators speak fluent English.

– What aspects of the program were the most interesting and enjoyable?

The idea that I could apply everything I learned to fix a network across town made me feel very accomplished. The “mash-ups” were hilariously difficult and yet fun to try and solve.  The mash-ups were designed to challenge in real world ways but also in frustrating ways.  I feel it really helped me grow and push my skills at the same time as giving me confidence.

– Which mentors did you work with and what are your impressions of the methods and format of training?

Andrii and Roman were my mentors and they were the best. I still keep in touch with Andrii, his sense of humor and teaching style are things I apply to my lessons.

– Where do you work? And what knowledge/skills you have gained during your studies do you need now in your current position?

After completing the course I was able to get a job teaching computer science to high schoolers in Washington DC. I have been able to apply my understanding to give students the opportunity to ssh into each other’s computers, manipulate files and alter permissions.